Wednesday, 12 September 2007

Pandan Kaya Layer Cake And Kueh Pie Tee

Kueh Pie Tee Cooked On 12/09/07

今天亲自制作了一道 nyonya kueh pie tee.
This is also one of my family favourite food. Feel like to eat so came back from work and quickly make a batter and fried it. Lucky my son helped me so we have a dinner earlier. 他还一边帮忙 一边吃。we have a very fun making a kueh pie tee.

I am sure everybody has tried kueh pie tee before and know the taste,right? It was quite crispy and tasty when you bite it!!

Pandan Kaya Layer Cake Baked On 11/9/07
这是一个失败的香叶加揶蛋糕,according to aunt Irene told me that suppose kaya have to cover surrounding of the cake but I have not enough flour so must cut down all the ingredient. 没想到出来的成绩实在很不理想。


franlanto said...

Taste is more important than the look, I believe that your children surely吃在口里,甜在心里。Can I be part of your family member? :)

Somewhere in Singapore said...

i also want to be a part of your family member, can?

Nicole Hah said...

joanne 啊﹐妳真的越來越厲害了﹐看來可以自己做老闆娘咯﹗呵呵~~~到時記得要通知我們唷﹗我們要做第一個顧客唷﹗


Eileen said...

我也想做Kueh Pie Tee, 可是没有食谱。Joanne,你这两样糕点一定很好吃噢,从外表看,超棒哟!

Unknown said...


you are right. taste is more important than a look. Mary, you are also one of very good in cooking. I am sure your family also enjoy your cooking and baking.

I went to view already, guess who is that?


If one day I become lady boss, you are 1st person I will inform you.Impossible lah where got $$$$$$? unless somebody sponsor me lah!hee!hee!

I went to view your blog, you are very good in cookiing too.Kueh pie tie is quite easy to cook so you can try it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Joanne

Kueh Pie Tee looks great. How to make the "cup". Pls share.

Thks KK

惠芬的世界 said...


Unknown said...


Don't worry, when your daugter grow up,she will help you.

Did you try to bake light cheese cake yet?

Unknown said...


I use kueh pie tee mould.

Somewhere in Singapore said...

who huh?

惠芬的世界 said...

Not yet try, have to get ready something, milk and corn flour, maybe will give a try next week.

Anonymous said...

Hi Joanne

Sorry, pls share with me the recipe for the "cup" & where can I buy the mould.

Thks KK

Dorene said...

Joann E, your pandan kaya cake look quite ok ma.I too love pandan kaya cake will learn how to bake this cake.

Unknown said...


I think you try go to Phoon Huat and check. My kueh pie tee mould is my friend bought for me last year.

Anonymous said...


Thks, will try PH. How about the barter, what flour & how about making it? Deep fried?

Sorry to bother u.

Cheers KK

Unknown said...


Don't mind give me your e-mail,thks!

Anonymous said...


Sorry, keep pestering you to share yr recipe. My children love this very much.

Kindly email the recipe to :

Many thks in advance.

Cheers KK

johnhr said...


My wife and I went all over Singapore looking for Kueh Pie Tee moulds, and we just could not find any anywhere, our Daughter has tried in Malaya also to no avail, would you please have any ideas where we may be able to purchase from?? Many Many Thanks

John Harcourt


Anonymous said...

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