Auntie Irene, I baked sweet bun again, I can't wait till next week to try so quicky go and buy flour. Today my nephew and his wife came to my house and let him tried. His gave me 80% of my sweet bun . Not bad already lah!right? I will try my best on next round. Anyway, Once again,I would like to say thank you to auntie Irene for your teaching & guilding me. Pls give me your advise and comment. thanks!!
Sorry, I didn't use the commet which you taught me cause the e-mail you send to me I left at my office, I promise to try to use on dou sha bing comment.ok!
Hi Joanne,
Wow, the sweet bun and 豆沙饼 really look good,you must have learnt alot from Auntie Irene. These 2 are my favourites too. Hehe..
Hi Joanne,
你和Joann 都很可爱,看你们昨天一齐做糕点,说说笑笑多快乐哟!
aiyo, 真是伤脑筋啊!1个是Joann, 1个是 Joanne, 读音一样,我看以后就叫你Joanne E 好了,哈哈....
你今天做sweet buns, Joann 刚才打电话给我,她今天做coffee cake, 你们都很勤快哦!好喜欢你们,加油,Good Night
Hi Joanne
Aunty Irene called u Joanne E, what does the E stand for huh?
yummy yummy...
嗯~~~ joanne, 妳好棒唷﹗auntie irene 一定很高興有妳這樣的學生﹗
Hi Somewhere,
E stand for Jo-anne 后面多了个E
令1个是 Jo-ann 后面没有E
aiyo! 2 个人在我家做糕点时,我一叫Joann/Joanne, 2个人一起应我,好乱哦!
Nicole,你也好棒yo! 不过你是超级棒的!!棒到为了煮猪脚醋而被逼迁!唉!都是我惹的祸!!干吗要教煮猪脚嘛?
Joanne, your bread look beautiful delicious can I have some.
SIS, the E is stand for excellent leh.
nicole, for your information auntie irene students all very 棒的唷if not you will not becos of 猪脚醋 have to move house. 哈哈哈。
Hi Joanne,
Very nice bread! I am a bread lover, like to bake bread too. :)
Somewhere, E stands for excellent : ) haha...
Auntie Irene,
yalor, 可怜的Nicole 为了猪脚醋而被逼 迁,不过不是您的错,千错万错都是那屋主 的错。太小气了!
Hi, everybody
I am very... glad to know blog friends to concern each other.
Auntie Irene:-If I didn't know you, I think my cooking & baking standard can't improve. I am realy want to say from my heart thank you & appreciate for your praising and guilding me. You really ..really treats us like a family.I feel that very warm when talk to you.
Doreen & Sie:- Auntie Irene always praise two of you are very ..very good friends. Hopefully one day can meet each other.
I am always go to view your blog, both of you are also very.. good in cooking & baking too. When I see your breads, it is very fantastic and beautiful, I feel that I am just a little fly only.I think I still more time to learn from your guys.
Nicole:- So pity on you have to move out becoz of cooking.Did you find the house yet?
喔Joanne, 你也是一个对烹饪烘焙很有兴趣的厨房高手,能烹调出这么多才菜肴和糕点,也很勤快的尝试做新的东西。自己做的面包做得挺漂亮的,不错不错。我们一起加油!
两个Joanne + Joann 凑在一起也真的是伤脑筋啊!哈哈!
對﹐每個auntie irene 的徒弟都是最棒的﹗:-)
auntie irene啊﹐ 就是因為nicole太貪吃了﹗nicole想到太油煙就不敢在家裡煮﹐所以就選沒有那麼大油煙的豬腳醋來煮咯﹗那裡知道那個死變態屋主那麼神經﹗
joanne, not yet! still a bit early so will wait until i came back from kuantan!
anyway thank you for all of your concern!
Hi Joanne
Happy National Day to u and your family...
Awaiting for u to post your mooncake ya...
coming soon !
must remember to see !
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