Tuesday, 30 October 2007
Ang Ku Kueh
Sunday, 28 October 2007
Kueh Siput
Saturday, 27 October 2007
Perkedel,Acar and 甜酸排骨

看到Nicole 煮酸甜鸡,想一想,也算好久没有煮这道甜酸排骨给家人吃了,
也让我想起了一位作家 “尤今”甜酸排骨 的故事。
Penang Acar 这道菜几位blog 友们已品尝过了, 觉得味道如何呢?
有一些不敢吃辣的人, 那他门觉得好辣。
那敢吃辣的人, 又没感觉辣呢!
Acar 含着辣中带酸酸甜甜味的感觉,再配下饭,那就好不过了。十分开胃又开心!
Penang Acar, 在那儿可算是一道名菜哟!
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
甜甜圈 + 梅干扣肉

Monday, 22 October 2007
欢乐星期天 2
不然的话,那可浪费我的姐妹们和Aunt Irene的心思吗!
这小小cup cake 蛮是可爱耶!
Aunt Irene 为了我们几位山龜还没品尝过,她就用她爱心和用心做几杯给我们品尝。
就好像Margaret 所形用的浓郁芳香, 松软微湿…, 含在口里, 慢慢地。。慢慢地。。就溶化在口中里,
只有感觉到 就好像在吃纯巧克力似的 Pandan Kaya Layer Cake Make By Aunt Irene
谢谢Aunt Irene !!! ((:
才有欢乐星期天 2。
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
Kueh Ampen
Sunday, 14 October 2007
Kueh Makmur II

Before Bake

Margaret, Oink Oink and me went to aunt Irene's house again for making kueh makmur on 14/10/07 ( Sunday ). According to aunt Irene said that Nicole went back to Johor , Xueli呢!not feeling well and SIS might be has appointment lah!.
Steam Moist Chocolate Cake
Monday, 8 October 2007
Chocolate Torte
After Baked

Just joking only, 看也知道啦!他们七手八脚赶快的要把花生弄好 because the other side are waiting for their peanut . Anyway Iwould like to say thank you and appreciate Nicole, Xueli, Oink Oink , Margaret and SIS for helping me to make kueh makmur, especially aunt Irene. Once again,would like to say a thousand thanks to her cause before I came , she has already tried to make some kueh makmur till mid-nite. I am so touching. I know it is very hard work day for everybody to make kueh makmar.At last we finished it. See! This is Chai Chee No 1 Kueh Makmur。I am very strongly recommended to everybody. Yummy.. yummy...

This is Oink Oink's son. He is so.. cute.
Look at his face ! he felt very happy cause he can go home finally! He saw so many aunties made so much noise " kok kok here! kok kok there! Its really make him headache leh! But nevermind 啦! Noisy also worth it cause as long as his mummy can take away and eat there, 也该很满足了吧!
Oink Oink's piglet complaint:- "Mummy! it is your fault, did you see my saliva is dropping down? Cause of you never feed me lah!.Let me so embarrassing. How bad are you. Next time I grow up I am sure ask from aunt Irene to teach me. Hee! hee!..."
Monday, 1 October 2007
Coffee Bao & Kueh Makmur

This is Malay Cookies called " Kueh Makmur "The filling is penut and outside coat with icing sugar". You can get it only when Hari Raya Puasa and Chinese New Year time.
I try to make kueh makmur cause Hari Raya Puasa is coming soon, so my maid also can eat too. Every year I will make some cakes and cookies for my maid so she will feel like at home too.
Actually this cookies is quite popular and expensive when you buy from outside. If you want to find a very nice kueh makmur, there is not easy to get. I have try before when you have first bite, it really can melt into your mouth.
I tried this recipe is not very good yet. I have to continue to try other recipe to get a good kueh makmur.

Anybody heard about coffee pao???