Monday, 8 October 2007


Chai Chee No 1 Kueh Makmur Baked On 07/10/07

After Baked Before Bake

Just joking only, 看也知道啦!他们七手八脚赶快的要把花生弄好 because the other side are waiting for their peanut . Anyway Iwould like to say thank you and appreciate Nicole, Xueli, Oink Oink , Margaret and SIS for helping me to make kueh makmur, especially aunt Irene. Once again,would like to say a thousand thanks to her cause before I came , she has already tried to make some kueh makmur till mid-nite. I am so touching. I know it is very hard work day for everybody to make kueh makmar.At last we finished it. See! This is Chai Chee No 1 Kueh Makmur。I am very strongly recommended to everybody. Yummy.. yummy...
還有看看几位姐妹们,在赶餃子和鍋貼正准备晚餐。知道每一人觉得好累而肚子也已咕噜。。。咕噜。。的叫。当餃子和鍋貼 上桌时,我们都迫不急待地把香喷喷的餃子和鍋貼已經吞進肚子了,还忘了拍照呢! 哈哈!! 真是美味可口。太棒了!赞!

This is Oink Oink's son. He is so.. cute.

Look at his face ! he felt very happy cause he can go home finally! He saw so many aunties made so much noise " kok kok here! kok kok there! Its really make him headache leh! But nevermind 啦! Noisy also worth it cause as long as his mummy can take away and eat there, 也该很满足了吧!

Oink Oink's piglet complaint:- "Mummy! it is your fault, did you see my saliva is dropping down? Cause of you never feed me lah!.Let me so embarrassing. How bad are you. Next time I grow up I am sure ask from aunt Irene to teach me. Hee! hee!..."


Somewhere in Singapore said...

hehe... u faster than me...

Eileen said...

Wow, very nice Kueh Makmur. By the way, may I know whose baby huh, very nice eye & chubby.

Somewhere in Singapore said...

It's Oink Oink baby...

franlanto said...

Your are wrong, not only Chai Chee No 1 Kueh Makmur, it's also Chai Chee No 1 Gu Kueh, yum yum....

I am the laziest of all, just come and grab some and go without helping out. Thanks ya! :)

Oink Oink said...

Aiyo, someone put words in my bb's mouth and turn 1 round to shoot his mummy hor?? Hehe...

Irene said...

“it's also Chai Chee No 1 Gu Kueh “

haha 丫头玛丽,u r right!




所有我的糕点中 .............

Ang Gu Kueh 最美味!哈哈...

Dorene said...

Joanne, your kueh makmur look delicious,did you keep some for me cos this is oso my lover leh.

Unknown said...

Aunt Irene,

you are right. Your Ang Gu Kueh is the best.Guess what! my son & maid said that your kueh makmur is really .. good. Today he remind me to bring 7 pcs of kueh makmur to school so he can let his friends to eat.. ha! ha!

Unknown said...


Sorry leh!, almost finish already.Next time I make i will call you to collect, ok

Margaret said...

Hi Joanne

Yeah, besides the delicious 红龟馃, 说老实话, 我回家后慢慢品尝,发觉 kueh makmur 虽然不至于入口即化,不过它的皮很松酥 very nice & the peanut filing very fragrant. 我的家人都对红龟馃和kueh makmur 赞不绝口!

对了,Joanne, how's your leg? any bruises? hope u have not hurt yourself.

Unknown said...


谢谢你的关心。My knee has some bruises but nevermind today feel more better already.

Nicole Hah said...

hi Joanne,



不管是 Ang Ku Kueh 还是 Kueh Makmur, 都是 Chai Chee No. 1, 我的同房 Adeline 都赞不绝口。

Unknown said...


那天看到handsome guy till fell down lor! No lah! just joking.

The accident when the bus came, I didn't see got a hole there and step it and fell down, luckly my chocolate torte didn't throw out, if not don't need to eat already.

Oink Oink said...


哈哈。。你看那choco torte 的魅力多大,让你跌倒了还不忘它,但也不能怪你咯,因为真的太好吃了。嘻嘻。。


Unknown said...

Oink Oink,

是咯!choco torte 的魅力多大耶!。真让我念念不忘的那獨特香醇的巧克力味,想到它都跌倒呢!真丢脸!

Margaret said...

Hi Joanne

没事就好,没事就好!亏你还能开玩笑,当时可真把我吓了一跳,原先我还以为是东西掉了,你把它捡起来而已... 记得常揉一揉伤处消瘀...

惠芬的世界 said...

Joanne, long time didn't meet you, when I free will go to auntie Irene's house to meet you all again. U all Very happy & so fun to learn together.

franlanto said...

哎喲!!! 別再提chocolate torte 了!!, 我又想吃了!我連作夢都有這誘人的chocolate torte 在我的夢裏飛來飛去,怎麽办?

Unknown said...


when i fell down, i am worry my chocolate torte spoil already. Lucky, still very good.

Hui Fen,
You really miss a lot fun there. Last Sunday all of us make a lot of fun and jokes when making kueh-kueh. I am still miss it.Aunt Irene is really like our mother.

If we are really miss it, only can smell in our dream, right?

Margaret said...

ya lor, Joanne, 你真的很恐怖咧, when u fell that day, it seems that your chocolate torte is more important than u, I saw u checking if your chocolate torte were intact instead of checking if you were injured. 你也真是的! 哈哈!

Unknown said...

Margret :

当然啦。这么贵的chocolate torte leh.
Aunt Irene 好不容易做给我们吃.我应该珍惜让给家人品尝。

Oink Oink said...


Choco torte 不是贵而是有钱也买不到,ok? hehe...


Nicole Hah said...


對啊﹗ Auntie Irene 的 Chocolate Torte 是外面吃不到的﹐ 因為裡面有她的愛心和用心。

Unknown said...

Oink Oink & Nicole,

Your are right!Even though it is not expensive,她用她的愛心和用心弄给我们吃。我当然要珍惜它。

Margaret said...
